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AtCoder Grand Contest 048 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Grand Contest 048</a>. This contest counts for GP30 scores. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 150 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/maroonrk" class="username"><span style="color:#869120;">maroonrk</span></a>, <a href="/users/sugim48" class="username"><span style="color:#C06000;">sugim48</span></a> - Rated range: 1200 ~ The point values will be announced later. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Beginner Contest 180 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 180</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/sheyasutaka" class="username"><span class="user-orange">sheyasutaka</span></a>, <a href="/users/ynymxiaolongbao" class="username"><span class="user-orange">ynymxiaolongbao</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Regular Contest 105 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Regular Contest 105</a>. <font color="red">From this contest, you don't need to choose the option "(with ACL)" to submit solutions with ACL. (The library is installed by default.)</font> - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <a href="/users/camypaper" class="username"><span class="user-orange">camypaper</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 2799 The point values will be 200-300-500-600-700-900. We are looking forward to your participation!

HHKB Programming Contest 2020 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">HHKB Programming Contest 2020</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/tozangezan" class="username"><span class="user-red">tozangezan</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Regular Contest 104 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Regular Contest 104</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 120 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <a href="/users/satashun" class="username"><span class="user-orange">satashun</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 2799 The point values will be 100-400-600-700-700-1000. We are looking forward to your participation!

Reappearance of ARC

We will restart AtCoder Regular Contests in the following format: - 6 tasks - Duration: 100 or 120 minutes - Standard scores: - A: 100 or 200 points - B: 300 or 400 points - C: 500 points - D: 600 points - E: 700 points - F: 800 or 900 points (Depending on the tasks we have, sometimes the scores may be out of the bounds mentioned in the table above.) Formerly, ARC's $X$-point problems ($100 \leq X \leq 500$) were supposed to be harder than ABC's $X$-point problems. Now, we will standardize the scores, and new ARC's $X$-point problems will be as easy as ABC's $X$-point problems. However, the characteristics of problems may be different (ARC's problems will be more ad-hoc than ABC's). For AGCs, we won't change the scorings, so AGC's $X$-point problems will be harder than that of ARC/ABC's (just like now).

ACL Beginner Contest Announcement

Since we have to cancel the ACL Contest, we will hold <a href="">ACL Beginner Contest</a> instead. Like ACL Contest, majority of problems will require AtCoder Library. However, the problems will be significantly easier and they will mainly focus on the typical applications of algorithms in ACL. The rated range and the target audience will be the same as ABC. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 0 - Writer: <a href="/users/rng58_admin" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">rng58_admin</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-600. We are looking forward to your participation!

ACL Contest 2 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">ACL Contest 2</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 150 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/maroonrk" class="username"><span style="color:#869120;">maroonrk</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/yosupo" class="username"><span style="color:#274A78;">yosupo</span></a> - Rated range: 1200 ~ 2799 The point values will be 300-600-700-900-1300-1900. We are looking forward to your participation! UPD: We decided to postpone the contest because of <a href="">this issue</a>. Sorry for inconvenience.

ACL Contest 1 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">ACL Contest 1</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 150 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <img src="//"> <a href="/users/maroonrk" class="username"><span style="color:#869120;">maroonrk</span></a>, <img src="//"> <a href="/users/yosupo" class="username"><span style="color:#274A78;">yosupo</span></a>, <a href="/users/rng58_admin" class="username"><span class="user-unrated">rng58_admin</span></a> - Rated range: 1200 ~ 2799 The point values will be 300-600-600-800-900-1800. We are looking forward to your participation!

AtCoder Beginner Contest 179 Announcement

We will hold <a href="">AtCoder Beginner Contest 179</a>. - Contest URL: - Start Time: - Duration: 100 minutes - Number of Tasks: 6 - Writer: <a href="/users/beet" class="username"><span class="user-red">beet</span></a>, <a href="/users/kyopro_friends" class="username"><span class="user-orange">kyopro_friends</span></a>, <a href="/users/satashun" class="username"><span class="user-orange">satashun</span></a> - Rated range: ~ 1999 The point values will be 100-200-300-400-500-600. We are looking forward to your participation!