B - Better Students Are Needed! 解説 by MatrixGroup

One can use function template to simplify hyman0’s solution.

To do this, one can write down the following code:

template<int a,int b>
bool cmp(const stu&c,const stu&d)
	if(c.m*a+c.e*b!=d.m*a+d.e*b) return c.m*a+c.e*b>d.m*a+d.e*b;
	return c.id<d.id;

where we use a struct called stu to store students’ scores and numers.

Then, we can use cmp<1,0>, cmp<0,1>, cmp<1,1> and cmp<0,0> to replace cmp1 to cmp4.

Using function template, we can write only one comparing function instead of four, which can help us solve problems more quickly.(It is important in an AtCoder contest.)

Submission: 33298073
