
F - Breakdown Editorial by en_translator

Let \(\mathrm{dp}[v]\) be the maximum number of operations performable starting from the state where the only piece is placed on vertex \(v\), i.e. the maximum contribution of a piece on vertex \(v\). If this value is found for all \(v = 1, 2, \ldots, N\), then the answer is found as \(\sum_{v =1}^N \mathrm{dp}[v] \times A_v\). Hereinafter, we try to find \(\mathrm{dp}[\ast]\) with Dynamic Programming (DP).

If you remove a piece from a vertex \(v\) and pieces are placed on vertices in a set \(S\), then \(\mathrm{dp}[u]\) operations originating from each vertex \(u \in S\) are performable, for a total of \(\sum_{u \in S} \mathrm{dp}[u]\) times. Thus, it is sufficient to choose \(S\) that maximizes \(\sum_{u \in S} \mathrm{dp}[u]\); in other words,

\[\mathrm{dp}[v] = 1 + \max_S \sum_{u \in S} \mathrm{dp}[u] \tag{1}.\]

Here, \(S\) takes any (possibly empty) set of vertices adjacent to \(v\) such that \(\sum_{u \in S} W_u \lt W_v\).

Since \(S\) can only contain vertices \(u\) with \(W_u \lt W_v\), the right hand side of equation (1) only consists of vertices \(u\) with \(W_u \lt W_v\), so \(\mathrm{dp}[v]\) can be successively found for all \(v\) in ascending order of \(W_v\).

For a fixed \(v\), the right hand side of equation (1) can be regarded as the following knapsack problem:

For each of the vertices \(u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_{\deg(v)}\) adjacent to \(v\), the value of \(u_i\) is given as \(\mathrm{dp}[u_i]\), and its cost as \(W_{u_i} \). Maximize the total value of chosen vertices, subject to the constraint that the total cost adds up to \(W_v\).

This can be solved in \(O(\deg(v) \times W_v)\) time with DP.


\[\sum_{v = 1}^N \deg(v) W_v \leq W_{\max} \sum_{v = 1}^N \deg(v) = W_{\max} \times 2M,\]

where \(W_{\max} \coloneqq \max \lbrace W_1, W_2, \ldots, W_N \rbrace\), one can solve the knapsack problem above for all vertices in a total of \(O(MW_{\max})\) time.

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