
F - Non-overlapping Squares 解説 by en_translator

We claim the following fact.

The plane \(\mathbb R ^ 2\) has three disjoint squares (circumference excluded) with edges parallel to the axes. Then, there exists a line \(l\) parallel to an axis such that:

  • \(l\) does not intersect with any square.
  • The two regions divided by \(l\) have both at least one square.


Choose an axis, and project the three squares onto an open interval on the axis (a point on the axis is contained in an interval \(\iff\) the line passing through the point and perpendicular to the axis intersects with a square).

Consider a graph with the intervals regarded as vertices and edges between intervals if and only if the intervals intersect.

If this graph is not connected, the exists a conforming line perpendicular to the chosen axis. (It can be constructed by forming the union of each connected component as an open interval, and taking the rightmost right end.)

If the graph is connected, it follows that there are at least two edges, so by the pigeonhole theorem there exists a vertex of degree at least \(2\). Since the square corresponding to this vertex intersects with the other two squares along the current axis, so it does not along the other axis. Hence, at least one of the lines passing through the upper or lower edge of this square satisfies the conditions.

Therefore, for any of the chosen three \(M\times M\) grids, one of the following holds:

  • There exists \(k\ (M\leq k\leq N-M)\) such that \((i,j)\ (i\leq k)\) region and \((i,j)\ (k\lt i)\) region have both at least one square, and no square strides over the boundary.
  • There exists \(k\ (M\leq k\leq N-M)\) such that \((i,j)\ (j\leq k)\) region and \((i,j)\ (k\lt j)\) region have both at least one square, and no square strides over the boundary.

For the region with two squares, same thing applies; thus, for an optimal way to take \(M\times M\) grids, for at least one of the following ways to divide the \(N\times N\) grid into three regions, each region contains exactly one square. (The proportion of the division in the figure below is arbitrary; only relative placement of lines parallel to each axis matters.)

For each of the six partitions, find the maximum possible sum; then the answer is the maximum among them. Some choices of grids may fit into multiple partitions above, but it does not matter as we are finding the maximum value.

For example, there are two approaches to solve this problem:

  1. For each partition, search over all \(O(N ^ 2)\) lines of partition, and find the maximum sum of \(M\times M\) that can be contained in each region.
  2. Fix a square that contained in a region partitioned by two lines, and for at most ten cases, find the maximum sum for the other regions.

Each approach requires to find the maximum total value written on a square contained in a given rectangular region. This part also has several possible approaches.

  • Use a two-dimensional segment tree or a two-dimensional sparse table. The answer can be found in a total of \(O((N\log N) ^ 2)\) time.
  • The necessary value can be written in a specific form, so by precalculating these values in a total of \(O(N ^ 2)\) time, each query can be answered in \(O(1)\) time each. This way, the answer can be found in a total of \(O(N ^ 2)\) time.

One can classify the six ways into the two in the left and four on the right, and find them ad-hoc.

The following is sample code. This solution adopts the second approach.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ranges>
#include <numeric>
#include <algorithm>

int main() {
    using namespace std;
    static constexpr auto chmax{[](auto &&x, const auto &y) {
        if (x < y) x = y;
        return x;
    static constexpr auto max{[](const auto &x, const auto &y) {
        if (x < y) return y;
        return x;

    unsigned N, M;
    cin >> N >> M;

    // sum[i][j] := the sum of the M x M square whose top-left cell is (i, j)
    auto sum{[N, M] {
        vector A(N + 1, vector<unsigned long>(N + 1));
        for (auto &&row: A | views::take(N))
            for (auto &&a: row | views::take(N))
                cin >> a;

        // Let A[i][j] ← ∑_{i≤k,j≤l} A[k][l]
        for (unsigned row_index{N}; auto &&row : A | views::reverse){
        inclusive_scan(rbegin(row), rend(row), rbegin(row), plus<>{});
        if (row_index < N)
            ranges::transform(row, A[row_index + 1], begin(row), plus<>{});

        // sum[i][j] = A[i][j] - A[i+M][j] - A[i][j+M] + A[i+M][j+M]
        vector sum(N - M + 1, vector<unsigned long>(N - M + 1));
        for (unsigned i{}; i <= N - M; ++i)
            for (unsigned j{}; j <= N - M; ++j)
                sum[i][j] = A[i][j] - A[i + M][j] - A[i][j + M] + A[i + M][j + M];
        return sum;

    // cumulative max of sum[i][j] from the top-left
    // m[i][j] = max_{k≤i,l≤j} sum[k][l]
    const auto max_UL{[](auto cells) {
        for (unsigned row_index{}; auto &&row : cells){
        inclusive_scan(begin(row), end(row), begin(row), max);
        if (row_index)
            ranges::transform(row, cells[row_index - 1], begin(row), max);
        return cells;

    // flip the board horizontally
    const auto h_flip{[](auto &&cells) {
        for (auto &&row: cells)
        return cells;
    // flip the board vertically
    const auto v_flip{[](auto &&cells) {
        return cells;

    const auto upper_left{max_UL(sum)}; // cumulative max from the top-left
    h_flip(sum); // flip horizontally
    const auto upper_right{h_flip(max_UL(sum))}; // cumulative max from the top-right
    v_flip(sum); // flip vertically
    const auto lower_right{h_flip(v_flip(max_UL(sum)))}; // cumulative max from the bottom-right
    h_flip(sum); // flip vertically
    const auto lower_left{v_flip(max_UL(sum))}; // cumulative max from the bottom-left
    v_flip(sum); // return to the original state

    unsigned long ans{};

    // Fix a square
    for (unsigned i{}; i < N - M + 1; ++i)
        for (unsigned j{}; j < N - M + 1; ++j) {
            if (M <= i && i + M < N - M + 1) // three squares arranged vertically; fix the center square
                chmax(ans, upper_left[i - M].back() + sum[i][j] + lower_right[i + M].front());
            if (M <= j && j + M < N - M + 1) // three squares arranged horizontally; fix the center square
                chmax(ans, upper_left.back()[j - M] + sum[i][j] + lower_right.front()[j + M]);
            if (M <= i) { // T-shaped
                if (j + M < N - M + 1) // bottom left
                    chmax(ans, upper_left[i - M].back() + lower_right[i][j + M] + sum[i][j]);
                if (M <= j) // bottom right
                    chmax(ans, upper_left[i - M].back() + lower_left[i][j - M] + sum[i][j]);
            if (M <= j) { // ト-shaped
                if (i + M < N - M + 1) // bottom right
                    chmax(ans, lower_left.front()[j - M] + lower_right[i + M][j] + sum[i][j]);
                if (M <= i) // top right
                    chmax(ans, lower_left.front()[j - M] + upper_right[i - M][j] + sum[i][j]);
            if (i + M < N - M + 1) { // 亠 -shaped
                if (j + M < N - M + 1) // top-left
                    chmax(ans, lower_right[i + M].front() + upper_right[i][j + M] + sum[i][j]);
                if (M <= j) // top-right
                    chmax(ans, lower_right[i + M].front() + upper_left[i][j - M] + sum[i][j]);

            if (j + M < N - M + 1) { // ㅓ -shaped
                if (i + M < N - M + 1) // top-left
                    chmax(ans, upper_right.back()[j + M] + lower_left[i + M][j] + sum[i][j]);
                if (M <= i) // bottom-left
                    chmax(ans, upper_right.back()[j + M] + upper_left[i - M][j] + sum[i][j]);

    cout << ans << endl;
    return 0;
