
E - Child to Parent Editorial by evima

Hints →

In the following, a “way to perform operations” refers to a way of determining the number of times each vertex is selected, and the order of operations does not matter. Additionally, an “operation in subtree \(v\)” refers to an operation such that \(i\) and \(P_i\) are both contained in the subtree \(v\).

We also write \(a_i\) as the initial value of \(A_i\) given as input.

[1] Tree DP and polynomial representation

This problem can be solved using a natural tree DP if we ignore the computational complexity. First, we review how to do this. We decompose the process and define several DP tables as follows.

  • \(\mathrm{dp}_1[v][k]\): The number of ways to perform operations in subtree \(v\) such that \(A_v\) is subject to \(+r\) exactly \(k\) times.
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_2[v][k]\): The number of ways to perform operations in subtree \(v\) such that \(A_v\) gets exactly \(+k\) in total.
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_3[v][k]\): The number of ways to perform operations in subtree \(v\) that result in \(A_v=k\).
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_4[v][k]\): The number of ways to perform operations in subtree \(v\) and from vertex \(v\) to \(P_v\) such that \(A_v\) is subject to \(-1\) exactly \(k\) times.

These are computed as follows. Let \(\mathrm{ch}(v)\) be the set of all children of \(v\).

  • \(\mathrm{dp}_1[v]\) is the convolution of \(\mathrm{dp}_4[w]\) for all \(w\in \mathrm{ch}(v)\).
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_2[v][rk] = \)\mathrm{dp}_1[v][k]$.
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_3[v][a_v+k] = \mathrm{dp}_2[v][k]\).
  • \(\mathrm{dp}_4[v][k] = \sum_{i\geq k}\mathrm{dp}_3[v][i]\).

Since the convolution comes up, we will use polynomials instead of arrays. Let \(F_{v,1}(x) = \sum_{k}\mathrm{dp}[v][k]x^k\). \(F_{v,2}(x)\), \(F_{v,3}(x)\), and \(F_{v,4}(x)\) are defined similarly. Then, the above calculation can be expressed as follows.

  • \(F_{v,1}(x) = \prod_{w\in\mathrm{ch}(v)}F_{w,4}(x)\).
  • \(F_{v,2}(x) = F_{v,1}(x^r)\).
  • \(F_{v,3}(x) = x^{a_v}F_{v,2}(x)\).
  • \(F_{v,4}(x) = F_{v,3}(x)+\dfrac{F_{v,3}(1)-F_{v,3}(x)}{1-x}\).

Only the operation to obtain \(F_{v,4}\) from \(F_{v,3}\) is a bit non-trivial. It represents a linear operation that replaces \(x^k\) with \(1+\cdots +x^k\).

We can compute these bottom-up and report \(F_{v,3}(1)\) when \(v\) is a root.

[2] Using variable transformations

If you try to use the solution in [1] as it is, you will have to keep a huge number of coefficients to compute the answer, which slows you down.

In particular, it is troublesome that the substitution of \(x=1\) is considered to obtain the answer and to compute \(F_{v,4}\), which makes it impossible to ignore higher-order terms in the polynomials.

Therefore, we consider a variable transformation of the type \(G(x)=F(1+x)\). That is, define \(G_{v,1}\) as \(G_{v,1}(x) = F_{v,1}(1+x)\) and define \(G_{v,2}, G_{v,3}, G_{v,4}\) in the same way.

Rewriting the procedure for \(F_{v,i}\) with appropriate transformations, we find that \(G_{v,i}\) can be computed as follows.

  • \(G_{v,1}(x) = \prod_{w\in\mathrm{ch}(v)}G_{w,4}(x)\).
  • \(G_{v,2}(x) = G_{v,1}((1+x)^r-1)\).
  • \(G_{v,3}(x) = (1+x)^{a_v}G_{v,2}(x)\).
  • \(G_{v,4}(x) = G_{v,3}(x)+\dfrac{G_{v,3}(0)-G_{v,3}(x)}{-x}\).

What we need to find is \(G_{v,3}(0)\) when \(v\) is a root, i.e. \(G_{v,3}(x)\pmod{x^1}\).

It is easy to see that for a positive integer \(n\), the following holds.

  • \(G_{v,1}(x)\pmod{x^n}\) is determined from \(G_{w,4}(x)\pmod{x^n}\) for \(w\in \mathrm{ch}(v)\).
  • \(G_{v,2}(x)\pmod{x^n}\) is determined from \(G_{1,v}(x)\pmod{x^n}\).
  • \(G_{v,3}(x)\pmod{x^n}\) is determined from \(G_{v,2}(x)\pmod{x^n}\).
  • \(G_{v,4}(x)\pmod{x^n}\) is determined from \(G_{v,3}(x)\pmod{x^{n+1}}\).

Note that the exponents are shifted only when obtaining \(G_{v,4}\) from \(G_{v,3}\).

Thus, at a vertex \(v\) of depth \(d\), consider finding the following:

  • \(G_{v,1} \pmod{x^{1+d}}\)
  • \(G_{v,2} \pmod{x^{1+d}}\)
  • \(G_{v,3} \pmod{x^{1+d}}\)
  • \(G_{v,4} \pmod{x^{d}}\)$

These can be computed bottom-up.

This is faster than the solution described in [1], since only \(O(N)\) coefficients are needed at each vertex. With proper implementation of each step, the problem can be solved in \(O(N^3)\) time.

Only the computation of \(G((1+x)^r-1)\) is a bit difficult, but if you compute \(H(x) = G(x-1)\) and then find \(H((1+x)^r)\), and use the binomial theorem appropriately, this composition can be computed in \(O(d^2)\) time.

[3] Notes

  • Instead of considering \(G(x) = F(x+1)\), one can consider a sequence of higher-order differential coefficients \(\bigl(F(1),F'(1),F''(1),\ldots\bigr)\), which will be exactly the same.
  • Using a sophisticated polynomial algorithm, it can be solved in \(O(N^2\log^2 N)\) time. The hardest part would probably be the composite \(G((1+x)^r-1)\). This can also be done in \(O(d\log^2d)\) time by reducing it to polynomial Taylor shift, compositions with \(\exp\) and \(\log\), and such.

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