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C - Fox Observation JAG
Give me a hint!!!!!!!
Hint in Japanese.

E - Optimal alpha beta pruning (004) 1,000,000,007
In Ciel's algorithm:
    if node is a terminal node
        return value of leaf node
I think it contradicts with the description in Wikipedia. Which is true?
Ciel's algorithm is true.
E - Optimal alpha beta pruning うさぎ*
Sorry for some misunderstanding in the previous clar. 
Still, [NOTE] is pretty ambiguous. 

* Ciel uses this algorithm in the Wikipedia?
* What is depth?
* What is heuristic value of node? It is p_i for leaf nodes?
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B - Trodden Cable JAG
Give me a hint!
Please see figure of situation.

E - Optimal alpha beta pruning うさぎ*
For the sample input 4, if
* on the node 1, evaluation order is 2 -> 3
* on the node 3, evaluation order is 4 -> 5
then after evaluating node 4, alpha = 100 and beta = 100, so by pruning, only 2 leaf nodes are evaluated. I doubt that the output is correct. 
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E - Optimal alpha beta pruning うさぎ*
In the pseudocode,

> (* Initial call *)
> alphabeta(origin, depth, -infinity, +infinity, TRUE)

What is the "depth"? I think this is not described anywhere in the problem statement. 
Sorry, "depth" is unnecessary.
E - Optimal alpha beta pruning うさぎ*
> Evaluation value except leaf node is always 0. This does not mean the evaluation values of non-leaf nodes are 0. You have to calculate them if necessary.

"Evaluation value <written in the input> except leaf node is always 0. This does not mean the <actual> evaluation values of non-leaf nodes are 0. You have to calculate them if necessary."
B - Trodden Cable The hik Revolutions
Can moving pattern be empty string?
No, length of pattern string is greater than or equal to 1, not 0. We are sorry for the wrong description.
B - Trodden Cable うさぎ*
> The first line includes an x−y pair (0≤x≤W, 0≤y≤H), which represents the coordinate of a staff's initial cell.

Should this be 0 <= x < W, 0 <= y < H?
You say there are H * W cells. If 0≤x≤W, 0≤y≤H, (H + 1) * (W + 1) cells are possible???
Yes, 0 <= x < W, 0 <= y < H s correct. We are sorry for misunderstanding and mistakes.
G - Spotlight Movement Navi
Are the spotlights moving permanently or they will stop when coming back to their starting points.
moving permanently
C - Fox Observation (004) 1,000,000,007
we can't understand why 'mimimize' is used
We are sorry for wrong description. 'maximize' is correct. 
No, you must write clarifications in English.