D - Identity Function 解説 /

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Problem Statement

You are given an integer $N$, which is greater than $1$.

Consider the following functions:

  • $f(a) = a^N \bmod N$
  • $F_1(a) = f(a)$
  • $F_{k+1}(a) = F_k(f(a))~~(k = 1,2,3,\ldots)$

Note that we use $\mathrm{mod}$ to represent the integer modulo operation. For a non-negative integer $x$ and a positive integer $y$, $x \bmod y$ is the remainder of $x$ divided by $y$.

Output the minimum positive integer $k$ such that $F_k(a) = a$ for all positive integers $a$ less than $N$. If no such $k$ exists, output $-1$.


The input consists of a single line that contains an integer $N$ ($2 \le N \le 10^9$), whose meaning is described in the problem statement.


Output the minimum positive integer $k$ such that $F_k(a) = a$ for all positive integers $a$ less than $N$, or $-1$ if no such $k$ exists.

Sample Input 1


Output for the Sample Input 1


Sample Input 2


Output for the Sample Input 2


Sample Input 3


Output for the Sample Input 3