Ooooiwocha's Competition History

Date Contest Rank Performance New Rating Diff
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 003 534 1090 184 -
MC Digital Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 008) 625 781 333 +149
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 011 637 802 469 +136
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2022 Summer(AHC013) 850 - - -
estie Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 014) 429 1114 648 +179
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) 743 828 707 +59
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 017) 748 827 750 +43
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 018) 462 1294 876 +126
MC Digital Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 019) 442 1103 930 +54