STInverSpinel's Competition History

Date Contest Rank Performance New Rating Diff
Introduction to Heuristics Contest 781 - - -
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 001 554 1180 231 -
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 002 893 620 340 +109
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 003 459 1192 613 +273
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2021 (long) 479 - - -
Genocon2021 ー DNA Sequence Analysis Challenge 633 - - -
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2022 qual 745 - - -
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2021 (AtCoder Heuristic Contest 007) 613 - - -
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2022 Final (Open Contest) 54 - - -
MC Digital Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 008) 625 781 680 +67
Monoxer Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 009) 699 601 709 +29
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 011 455 1181 822 +113
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 012 605 784 848 +26
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2022 Summer(AHC013) 722 721 864 +16
9th Asprova Programming Contest 136 - - -
estie Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 014) 584 689 875 +11
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) 922 677 884 +9
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 017) 796 744 894 +10
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 018) 709 976 926 +32
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Summer(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 022) 793 773 935 +9
10th Asprova Programming Contest(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 023) 800 - - -
Marubeni Programming Contest 2023 (AtCoder Heuristic Contest 024) 664 - - -
Toyota Programming Contest 2023#6(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 026) 426 1213 987 +52
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 030) 728 814 994 +7
MC Digital Programming Contest 2024(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 031) 823 662 996 +2
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 032 633 1084 1022 +26