kenken1724's Competition History

Date Contest Rank Performance New Rating Diff
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2022 qual 257 1455 455 -
Hitachi Hokudai Lab. & Hokkaido University Contest 2021 114 - - -
ALGO ARTIS Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 010) 328 1256 735 +280
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 011 226 1564 1000 +265
AtCoder Heuristic Contest 012 363 1257 1079 +79
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2022 Summer(AHC013) 302 1394 1161 +82
9th Asprova Programming Contest 136 - - -
estie Programming Contest 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 014) 300 1346 1214 +53
HACK TO THE FUTURE 2023 qual(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 016) 952 617 1216 +2
THIRD PROGRAMMING CONTEST 2022(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 017) 648 975 1227 +11
RECRUIT Nihonbashi Half Marathon 2023 Winter(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 018) 718 964 1236 +9
トヨタ自動車 実課題プログラミングコンテスト 2023 Spring 130 - - -
MC Digital Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 019) 738 - - -
ALGO ARTIS Programming Contest 2023(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 020) 620 1059 1247 +11
Toyota Programming Contest 2024#5(AtCoder Heuristic Contest 033) 845 791 1250 +3